BIKER TEE is my company name. It is one of several dba companies owned and operated by AeroScore, Inc. AeroScore is the same company that publishes BIKERS USA the original online magazine. Just so you’ll know, if you conduct business with Biker Tee, I might ask that you make the check payable to AeroScore, Inc. Biker Tee owns the copyright on the official independent biker logo. Biker Tee also sells motorcycle t-shirts, biker apparel and other products made by other designers through affiliations with some of the major places that bikers tend to go to shop for quality motorcycle products, in which case, you make the deal with them, pay them, and expect them to deliver your goods. If you ever run into a problem with any advertisers, please let me know immediately. I’ve never had anyone ripped off and pledge to do my best to keep it that way. Bad people suck.